Filters 2 is here!
We’ve just released our first major update to our recently acquired app, Filters. Here’s all that’s new in it…
- we’ve unified the sharing functionality so that all the things you’d want to do to your Filtered photos can be accessed from one handy place
- you’re now able to send photos from your favorite apps to Filters
- you can now send your Filtered photos directly to Camera+
- live sliders!
- and last but not least, there’s a shiny new icon that still has the look and feel of the original Filters icon but fits right in with all of our other app icons
We’ve also got an update to Camera+ coming tomorrow that adds the ability to send your photos directly to Filters from within it (along with some other things that coincide with the launch of some other somethingorother that may be going on tomorrow).
We hope you enjoy this first big update. We’ve got a bunch of nice features planned for Filters for the future that’ll make you enjoy the app even more.
Get Filters in the App Store.
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