Camera+ 7.1 is here for those anxiously awaiting a UPS delivery today!
? Happy 6s Day! ??
For this update, Camera+ is now ready for iOS 9 and those of you fortunate enough to have a brand new iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus!
And specifically for the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, we’ve taken advantage of 3D Touch by adding the following handy set of Quick Actions…
- Take Photo
- Take Selfie
- Take Macro
- View Lightbox
[CREATIVE PROTIP: Take unboxing pics of your new 6s / 6s Plus using your old phone… then take boxing pics putting your old phone away using your new phone… then share them on your favorite social networking service on the interwebs. For increased dramatic effect, share them live as you take them.]
Since we’ve added the “View Lightbox” Quick Action, we figured it’d be the perfect time to add a similar button to the Today Widget. So we did exactly that.
And finally, we’ve added the ability to open a photo in our new app, Filters, which includes over 800 lovely filters.
[APP STORE SEARCH PROTIP: If you’re unable to find Filters in the App Store because your search results are being overrun with apps related to coffee, try searching on “Filters for iPhone”.]
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