Adventures in iPhone photography from the creators of… Camera + MagiCam Filters

Camera+ 6.2 is here with an extra heaping helping of iOS 8 and iPhone 6 goodness!

March 18, 2015 by 11 Comments

Camera+ Header

First up is the new Today Widget where you can get handy Photo Tips, read inspirational Photo Quotes of the Day, and most importantly, easily open Camera+ from anywhere. That’s right… with a simple swipe & tap, you now have lock screen access to Camera+! In order to comply with the guidelines, we felt a bit like a Bichon Frisé jumping through a series of flaming hoops, but our singed fur was worth it to get this nifty feature into your hands. If you’re not familiar with how to enable widgets, simply follow the instructions in the Camera+ settings menu in the Extensions section.

Today Widget

Next up is the new advanced white balance control. What’s more enlightening than 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon? Howzabout 7000 degrees of kelvin white balance? For those of you who care about these sorts of things, you’ll be happy to hear that you can now dial the white balance in to whatever kelvin temperature value you’d like. Kelvin (or bacon) not your thing? Not to worry… there are still the easy-peasy white balance presets to make your life simple.

Manual White Balance

For those of you with an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, Camera+ 6.2 now sports a completely native UI for your ginormous phone. Automatic scaling was ok, but there’s just no substitute for a pixel-perfect, custom UI designed specifically for your megaphone.

6 Optimization

For you Instagram fanatics, with Camera+ 6.2, we’ve included direct Instagram sharing so you no longer have to go through the generic “Open In…” thingamajig. Saving steps is always a good thing. It’s just too bad that we didn’t get this feature in before Aaron Schock resigned. ?

Instagram Sharing

And as always, we’ve iced a bunch of bugs. No mercy.